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Healing is Believing - Podcast Series
Follow our weekly podcast on iTunes by clicking on the cover graphic of our discussion “Healing is Believing”.
We welcome all those who wish to understand the deeper meanings of what life is all about and what it truly means to be alive in this time of excess spiritual pollution.
Safeguard yourself, your family, and your home by understanding the world you live in.
Q7 Revival Meditation
Meditation is something that everyone can benefit from. No matter your age. It has many physical benefits such as improved cardiovascular, central nervous and improving mental focus. The reality of what makes a meditation process different above another is the level of consciousness of the Teacher as well as the permissive reality of micro-vibrations of certain sounds that the Heart of the universe responds to. Our meditation practice is formulated from the classical teachings of The Saints of God within Islam descending back to the ancient teachings of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Upon Him and His Holy Family).
The Teacher
The Truth and The Light

Throughout the world people are looking for answers in a spiritual manner to handle the many ills that challenges their well-being. People are afraid; no matter if the fear stems from political, or economic problems; or from physical, mental or social issues. Individuals and groups throughout the world are crying for answers. They look for solutions through astrological signs, metaphysical thought, new age spirituality and traditional religion. But, very few can openly, clearly and honestly state—that they are at peace; except for the charlatans and false prophets who are exploiting the weak and confused for personal game. The seekers of truth and peace are left with doubt and uncertainty.
The human family must return to the original fabric of God’s law and decrees. God promises love and prosperity to the human family. He sent messengers such as Noah, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad to present a simple message of unity, peace and loyalty to God. However, most of the human family has failed to honor God’s contract. In this light, just before the dreadful day—God promises to send his emissary as a last warning before the coming of the Messiah and the Mahdi. The one who has come is the Qutub.
The Qutub is a near perfect human that is a spiritual leader with a divine connection to God. They are only known to a few trusted mystics who are directed to spread the message of unity, and unconditional love of God and the healing power through his emissary—The Qutub. Prophet Muhammad spoke of a Qutub in detail to one of his greatest companions—Abdallah ibn Mas’ud, who was considered the companion most like the Holy Prophet. Mas’ud, a person of African decent was born as a slave. However, upon his liberation he forcefully spoke out against oppression, mistreatment and bigotry. In fact, he was beaten severely by the heathens when he
recited the Quran in front of the Ka’ba in Mecca. In personal discussion with the Prophet, Mas’ud records in his Hadiths that special “ones” are sent by Allah as saintly reminders. Prophet Muhammad considered Mas’ud to be the fourth greatest scholar of the Quran.
Al-Hakim al -Tirmidhi, was a Sunni jurist and one of the most influential Muslims of all time. One of a select few in the ancient world that mastered the five sciences; Mathematics, Logic, Music, Medicine and Astronomy. He supports the notion that one is to come before the Messiah and Mahdi to warn and lay a foundation for the healing of mankind. He calls that one—The Qutub. Due to the Allah’s will; the Qutub is present. He is here to heal the community of humanity to exterminate the spiritual and physical ills that bind us in a state of confusion and misguided activities. The Divine Hydration Therapy Water that you purchased was blessed by this divine figure. Like John the Baptist who used water to change the spiritual level of the human being to become followers of God; and like Jesus who used water to heal the sick and the blind; and like the Zam Zam water of Mecca—that has miraculous healing properties. The blessed water by the Qutub will negate the negative components that has one’s life in a state of ill thought and activity. The water will replenish the lost energy and restore your mental and spiritual direction. This is the Qutub’s blessings to you from the creator.
An announcement from The Teacher
Everything is impacted on emotions However fake they are But there is a true reality in where the emotions can lead Us. The understanding of truth is prevalent to many outcomes help collapsing distorted ideals that are led by insignificance to rule the insignificant, You choose however whether how significant you all are by understanding this game called life this journeying comes and goes to the same place, some have already arrived at their journeying end and some still hope to reach and some stuck in realms of unawareness and many think that they have reached where they want to without getting anywhere.

It is the latter that will cause and enforce there fake doctrine of fake ideals that will make you slaves to a farce and vast regime of dishonesty insincerity disloyalty no real value of any importance whatsoever ever an evil movement of corrupted control over the masses set by an agenda for the fallible suffocating everything good out of man even his right to live. Those who have faith have hope but are left as blind cattle shepherded by ominous to feed there notorious regimes The prayers of the faithful now not at any help except for hope while they’re being shown their insignificance because they’ve been taken for a ride by their own egos and never real believers to which they once thought, apart from feeling a belonging to a part of truth in history and becoming it benefactors without thinking of their next generations This is how the insignificant ones have stolen a march over the faithful in letting them think that they have some relevance in secular society but infact remaining on top of them while filling them with irrelevant proximities in an underlined society parched of any real values. This message is to let the faithful know that God has already prepared for the actions of the infidels, and their foolish reasoning, We are already way ahead of their game. We are above all technology, and We do not sleep.